Past, Present, & Future Coexist in the Unconscious
Tonight I watched the first episode of the TV series "Touch". It gave me shivers. It was absolutely gorgeous (though at points I was rolling my eyes over some of the drama and use of stereotypes). I watched it because my husband (who has always been critical of my synchronicity experiences) told me that there was a show about my subject. He has already watched the first 24 episodes. He told me it gets better after the first episode (which he also rolled his eyes at). He came in when I was about halfway through and asked me if I understood what it was about. He said it was about this idea that there are four times: the past, the present, the future, and the "now"--which is different from the present because it is everything rolled into one. And I kind of knew what he was talking about because that's how synchronicities sometimes make me feel--like I've glimpsed that connection between everything, stepped outside of time. After he left, I thou...