Cilantro Magic
This morning, Monday January 7th, I remembered after crossing the parking ramp and starting down the stairs to head into work that I'd intended to bring a digital timer (a stopwatch, basically) which was sitting in the backseat of my car. I debated about going back during lunch vs. going back right then and decided that since I was already late I better forget about it for the time being. Once I got into the building I reached into my bag for my ID badge. Right in the front pocket was the timer I'd wanted to go back for. I must have avoided procrastination when I'd seen it in the back seat on Saturday night and stuck it in there, thinking it would be useful to have at work. The moment I saw it, I grinned from ear to ear: the memory of what had happened in the middle of the night the day before came back to me.
My husband went to Walmart in Coralville, Iowa around 3 AM on Sunday January 6th (it's the closest place to get groceries on Sundays when our local grocery store is closed). He needed some fruit for our son's stocking and cookies for the Three Wise Men (in Mexican culture the exchange of holiday gifts traditionally happens on the morning of January 6th, Dia de los Reyes, and the gifts come from the Three Wise Men, not Santa. So I usually give our son presents on Christmas and my husband gives him gifts on January 6th.)
Anyway, my husband also wanted to get some cilantro while he was at the store, but the display area was empty--there was nothing but parsley. He thought to himself, "this is the third time in a row that I've been unable to find cilantro at Walmart. I've got to stop shopping here." Then he went on and picked up pears, nectarines, and kiwis--he wasn't using a cart so every time he stopped he set everything down, bagged the fruit, and then bundled everything back into his arms. When he got to the check out line he laid everything down and on the bottom of the pile he found a bag of cilantro. Apparently someone else had decided not to purchase it after putting it in a bag and left it laying next to one of the fruit displays; then my husband picked it up by accident. At least that's the best explanation I can come up with.
My husband came home and told me the story--he was pretty amused by it. I told him that this was a synchronicity and he refused to call it that. "No, it's just a funny coincidence," he insisted. Well, I can't argue with his own explanation for his experience--if it's not meaningful to him, it's not a synchronicity (that said, I will continue calling it a synch, because it is meaningful for me. I've been waiting for things to start happening to him so he will believe me/ take me seriously/ understand what I'm talking about. )
Whatever the explanation, it was pretty stunning that it happened.
My husband went to Walmart in Coralville, Iowa around 3 AM on Sunday January 6th (it's the closest place to get groceries on Sundays when our local grocery store is closed). He needed some fruit for our son's stocking and cookies for the Three Wise Men (in Mexican culture the exchange of holiday gifts traditionally happens on the morning of January 6th, Dia de los Reyes, and the gifts come from the Three Wise Men, not Santa. So I usually give our son presents on Christmas and my husband gives him gifts on January 6th.)
Anyway, my husband also wanted to get some cilantro while he was at the store, but the display area was empty--there was nothing but parsley. He thought to himself, "this is the third time in a row that I've been unable to find cilantro at Walmart. I've got to stop shopping here." Then he went on and picked up pears, nectarines, and kiwis--he wasn't using a cart so every time he stopped he set everything down, bagged the fruit, and then bundled everything back into his arms. When he got to the check out line he laid everything down and on the bottom of the pile he found a bag of cilantro. Apparently someone else had decided not to purchase it after putting it in a bag and left it laying next to one of the fruit displays; then my husband picked it up by accident. At least that's the best explanation I can come up with.
My husband came home and told me the story--he was pretty amused by it. I told him that this was a synchronicity and he refused to call it that. "No, it's just a funny coincidence," he insisted. Well, I can't argue with his own explanation for his experience--if it's not meaningful to him, it's not a synchronicity (that said, I will continue calling it a synch, because it is meaningful for me. I've been waiting for things to start happening to him so he will believe me/ take me seriously/ understand what I'm talking about. )
Whatever the explanation, it was pretty stunning that it happened.
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