I have been in the flow, riding the wave of synchronicity, being washed along by it's current to new discoveries this summer. It has been an amazing reawakening of what is possible when I follow my curiosity, my intuition, my sparks of inspiration. I've been working on a speech about finding myself and overcoming anxiety. I can't turn around without being nudged by synchronicity to check out another writer, artist, speaker, stranger, or acquaintance. Everywhere I turn I glean some new insight into what my journey has been about and where it has brought me. What I've discovered is the importance of social communities to find our authentic selves. I've been reading Sen's Identity and Violence. Today I discovered Spiro's description of Ubuntu. I stumbled upon John Hain's word cloud art, one piece of which describes the dualistic mind--and despite my best efforts to be inclusive towards everyone, I draw the line at the point where I begin to questi...
Showing posts from August, 2016