
Showing posts from July, 2013

Being Unemployed

I was laid off in May and have been unemployed for two months.  So now I understand a little bit better what people have been going through the last several years.  I still haven't lost my insurance or unemployment benefits, so I still don't really understand. But I've gone from barely scraping by to not quite.  I still don't know what poverty is and I still don't know how bad it can get, but I'm beginning to understand how it feels to not be able to pay all my bills in a month.  It still feels like a social experiment, like the experiment undertaken by Barbara Ehrenreich in Nickle & Dimed , when she pretends not to have her educational background and spends a year working in minimum wage jobs (she tries working at Walmart, as a waitress, and as a maid cleaning houses and hotel rooms) and tries to make ends meet without using any of her usual resources. So I'm grinning like the Cheshire cat...just waiting for everything to fall into place.  Because I...

Medicine Wheels--Synchronous Discovery of an Ancient Symbol

On June 3rd, my son started drawing a symbol, as far as I can tell, out of the blue, and there was something supernatural about the way he did it which forced me to take note.   I kept thinking to myself that it was like a horror movie when a kid starts drawing the same symbol over and over and no one can figure out what it means until the big reveal later in the movie.  He continued drawing the symbol exclusively for two days--and mysteriously, stopped right after I discovered a synchronous connection.  It still gives me goosebumps, a month later.  My son's typical picture is a bunch of  scribbles, but for two days last month he suddenly began,  without a moment's hesitation, to draw a circle with a cross in it over and over again and then stopped just as suddenly.   When I asked him what it was he told me that it was a window.  So I looked around at the windows in the room where he started drawing them (the basement of a university building)...